The last blog entry brought an overview of the internal structure of the Wii U. So that a homebrew environment can be designed, some requirements will be specified in this entry. Afterwards the existing solutions will be considered and compared with these requirements.


  1. The execution of own/unsigned software is possible:
    The homebrew environment should make it possible to execute any software written by the user. It should be possible to load and execute own software from an SD card.

  2. The existing operating system is still used:
    The installed homebrew environment should use the existing operating system as a basis instead of starting its own operating system. It should still be possible to run official software. The applications or the operating system should be able to be modified by the homebrew environment.

  3. The existing operating system can be manipulated:
    It should be possible to manipulate and extend the existing operating system if needed. For example, restricted access to the SD card can be removed and functions of the system libraries can be replaced.

  4. Code execution in the background is possible
    During runtime, for example during the execution of a game, it should be possible to execute your own code in the background. This, together with requirement 3, should allow the software to be enhanced.

  5. The homebrew environment is available after console start
    After a one-time setup, the homebrew environment should (optionally) immediately be usable. It should be possible to start in an homebrew environment in which the operating system modifications are available and own code execution is possible.

  6. The homebrew environment can be implemented without hardware modifications
    Only software solutions should be necessary to achieve this homebrew environment. Physical modification of the hardware should not be necessary.

  7. The homebrew environment can be used on the latest version of the operating system
    The homebrew environment should be executable on any Wii U that has not yet been modified. No specific versions of the operating system should be required, which cannot be reached via updates.

  8. The homebrew environment should be easy to update and maintain
    Simple usage and updating of the homebrew environment should be achieved. Updates should be possible via a central point, such as replacing files on the SD card.

Existing solutions

At first, we will look at existing solutions that are publicly available for the Wii U. Subsequently, it shall be considered where the weaknesses of these solutions lie and which of these solutions can be adapted to meet the requirements set.

Execution of own applications

Users can run homebrew applications on Wii U via the so-called Homebrew Launcher. To use this, an initial entry point into the system via an exploit is required. In addition, a kernel exploit is required, which is integrated with the Homebrew Launcher. While the Homebrew Launcher is executed via a browser exploit, theoretically other entry points are also possible. The corresponding homebrew applications are loaded from the SD card and then executed.

The Homebrew Launcher is divided into three components:

  • Installer
  • sd-loader
  • GUI

Installer: The installer is the part that is executed via a browser exploit, for example. The installer performs various initial tasks to prepare the system for loading additional code. The first task is to obtain kernel privileges using a kernel exploit. This allows you to set up your own memory area. This memory area has read, write, and execute permissions. The Cafe OS does not use this memory area, so it can be used as memory for the Homebrew Launcher. After setting up the memory area, the sd-loader is copied to this area and remains there until the console is turned off. The system is then manipulated so that the call to an application first executes the sd-loader and then the actual application.

sd-loader: Before each application is started, the sd-loader is executed. Its task is to execute either the graphical interface of the Homebrew Launcher, the actual application, or a homebrew application. In the sd-loader, it is implemented that the graphical user interface is called as soon as the user starts the Mii Maker application. It is necessary to use the Mii Maker application for this as it is the only pre-installed application that has access to the SD card. This access is defined per application and is enforced via the IOSU.

GUI: The graphical user interface allows the user to select which homebrew application is to be executed. If the user decides to execute an application, it is loaded into the user’s own memory area. The sd-loader recognizes the loaded application and executes it at the next application start. After loading, the graphical user interface triggers a restart of the Mii Maker application and thus initiates the execution of the homebrew application. A reopening of the Mii Maker application starts the graphical user interface of the Homebrew Launcher.

Own homebrew applications can be created using the devkitPPC development environment, which is part of the devkitPro development environment. With the Homebrew Launcher, it is possible to execute homebrew applications in the execution file format of Wii U (.rpx), as well as statically linked ELF files.

The ELF files, statically linked, must use an address as the start address, which is located in the own memory area. Since the memory is limited, the applications must not be larger than 6.4 MiB. To be able to use the official system libraries, the Homebrew Launcher provides the necessary addresses of the functions “OSDynLoad_Acquire” and “OSDynLoad_FindExport”. These can be read via fixed addresses in the memory. With them, it is possible to load system libraries (“OSDynLoad_Acquire”) and get the addresses of their functions (“OSDynLoad_FindExport”). The homebrew application is copied directly to the address it is linked to and can be executed from there. By statically linking, it is not possible to run multiple homebrew applications at the same time because they would overwrite each other. Since the code is position-dependent, it cannot be loaded to another address.

In addition, with the Homebrew Launcher, it is possible to run homebrew applications in the “.rpx” file format. The “.rpx” files offer the possibility to link directly dynamically against system libraries. In general, the loader of the Cafe OS is responsible for loading and linking “.rpx” and “.rpl” files. It receives the data from the IOSU after the integrity has been checked there. The Homebrew Launcher also uses the loader to load the “.rpx” files. Because the integrity of the files has already been checked in the IOSU, the received data can be manipulated. In concrete terms, the loader is manipulated in such a way that the data is used from its own memory area and thus the homebrew applications are loaded. The maximum size of the “.rpx” file depends on the size of the own memory area. The development environment/SDK wut can be used to create your own applications in the “.rpx” file format.

Persistent code execution

In addition to the browser exploit as the entry point, further entry points are possible. To achieve code execution, a vulnerability in the Nintendo DS emulator is exploited when loading games. This exploit is known as haxchi.

In contrast to the browser exploit, which requires a connection to a network to load a website, haxchi can be used completely offline after installation and thus independently. However, control over the system is already necessary for the installation, since the application files must be modified. Therefore, haxchi cannot therefore be used as an initial entry point into the system.

When the application is started, a game to be emulated is loaded from the “/content” folder. The integrity of the files from this folder is only checked at the time of installation, but not afterwards. If this game is replaced with a modified version that uses an error in interpreting the file, code execution is possible. From there, the Homebrew Launcher can be temporarily installed and used, similar to the browser exploit.

A system file (system.xml) defines which application is executed when the console is started. If exploits can be used to control the IOSU, this file can be modified to run an application with haxchi exploit instead of the system menu. This allows it to get code execution after starting the console with any manual user input. This is also known as cold-boot haxchi or cbhc. This, however, comes with some risks. If the system can’t boot the set title, the console will refuse to start.

Manipulation of the Cafe OS

With the help of a kernel exploit it is possible to manipulate the entire memory over which the PowerPC processor has control. This can be used to modify and extend the code of the loaded system libraries.

This is partly done by the homebrew applications themselves to manipulate the behavior of the Cafe OS. For example, there are homebrew applications that redirect file accesses from the internal memory to the SD card (SD Cafiine) or manipulate controller inputs (HID to VPAD).

Alternatively, the Wii U Plugin System application can be used to load plugins. This is an application in ELF file format that is executed via the Homebrew Launcher. The Wii U Plugin System allows the simultaneous use of multiple plugins loaded from the SD card. The plugins are normal ELF files that contain additional information in their own ELF sections.

Plugins can be used to overwrite the functions of the system libraries to modify their implementation. The first command of the functions is overwritten with a jump into its own implementation. In addition, plugins can be used to execute code in the background parallel to the actual operation of the system. Furthermore, plugins can define functions that are called by the plugin system during certain events of the operating system. This could be, for example, starting or stopping an application.

Manipulation of the IOSU

To manipulate the IOSU, appropriate exploits are necessary to gain control over the IOSU. A customized IOSU makes it possible, among other things, to read cryptographic keys from the console, gain full control over the console’s file system, and temporarily disable digital signature checks.

By disabling digital signature verification, it is possible to install incorrectly signed content on the system. However, this content can only be used as long as signature verification is disabled. As soon as the user restart the console, the titles can’t be started anymore until the user uses the customized IOSU again. Furthermore, it is possible to manipulate the rights of the running application that are managed and implemented in the IOSU. This means, for example, that access to the SD card can be obtained in any application.

At the time of this blog post, several implementations of IOSU exploits and similar IOSU modifications are publicly available. This combination of IOSU exploits and IOSU modifications is typically called custom firmware (cfw). The most common custom firmware implementations are mocha and a custom firmware integrated in haxchi.

IOSU modifications are implemented by either restarting the system with a previously modified fw.img or by modifying the existing fw.img at runtime. In theory, it is also possible to use a completely separate fw.img, for example, to start Linux as an independent operating system using linux-wiiu.

Current use of the solutions at a glance

All existing solutions presented in this subsection can be used without permanently modifying the console. The browser exploit can be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher and the Homebrew application. To get control over the IOSU and thus the whole system, a custom firmware, for example in the form of mocha, has to be executed additionally.

By modifying the internal memory of the console, an application compatible with haxchi can be permanently used as an entry point. To be able to perform these modifications, however, control over the IOSU is necessary, which is achieved via the browser exploit and an IOSU exploit. The Homebrew Launcher can be started once via the browser exploit and haxchi can be installed via its own installer. An IOSU exploit is integrated directly in the installer. After powering on the console, the Homebrew Launcher and/or the Custom Firmware integrated into haxchi can be used via this application by starting the haxchi application.

By modifying the system.xml in the internal memory of the console the start of the console can be redirected to an application with haxchi. Then the Homebrew Launcher or a custom firmware can be used immediately after switching on the console.

Meeting the requirements

With the existing solutions presented in this section, requirement 1 to run own software is fulfilled. Using the Homebrew Launcher, it is possible to run homebrew applications in both ELF and “.rpx” file formats. However, the size of the application is limited by the size that can be defined as its own memory area. In addition, for loading the “.rpx” files, the loader of the Cafe OS is modified to replace the data received from the IOSU with its own. With IOSU control, the loading of “.rpx” files can be modified on the IOSU side, eliminating the need to modify the loader.

Requirement 2, the use of the existing operating system, is also fulfilled. The system can be used as usual. The manipulation of the existing operating system requested in requirement 3 is possible via a custom firmware and the Wii U plugin system. IOSU changes are possible with the Custom Firmware and Cafe OS changes with the Wii U Plugin System. In general, code execution in the background by plug-ins as required in requirement 4 is possible, but not in combination with homebrew applications. Because the Wii U Plugin System itself is a homebrew application, plugins cannot be used simultaneously with other homebrew applications.

Requirement 5 requires that the homebrew environment be available after the console starts. By using cold boot haxchi it is possible to run a custom firmware or the Homebrew Launcher directly after starting the console. However, it is not possible to use the Wii U Plugin System directly, which means that the requirements are only fulfilled to a limited extent by the currently existing solutions.

Requirements 6 and 7 are again met. It requires the homebrew environment to be up to date with the latest version of the operating system and without hardware modifications. The existing solutions only use software exploits that can be used on the latest version of the operating system.

One problem of existing solutions is maintainability. Requirement 8 requires that the homebrew environment be easy to maintain and update. This is not always the case. The entry points use exploits with static payloads. For example, the installer of the Homebrew Launcher is integrated into the exploits that are used as entry points. Furthermore, the installer is responsible for the complete setup of the homebrew environment. To update the installer or sd-loader of the Homebrew Launcher, all exploits that can start the Homebrew Launcher must be updated. Exploits like haxchi would have to be completely reinstalled. A centralized update is not possible.

There is no clear separation between the actual homebrew applications, exploits and utility applications. The plugin system is implemented as a homebrew application, although it is itself responsible for loading and executing plugins. This prevents the simultaneous use of plugins and homebrew applications. In addition, custom firmware is also implemented as homebrew applications that are started by the user. An application cannot rely on a custom firmware already running. Applications that need control over the IOSU have partially integrated the IOSU exploit or even a complete custom firmware into the existing solutions. For example, an IOSU exploit is integrated with the haxchi installer to allow access to the entire file system.

Next blog entry

The next blog entry will propose a concept for a homebrew environment that meets the specified requirements.